What Can I Do About a 17-Year-Old Cat Shedding Hair Excessively?

Your old cat is suddenly shedding fistfuls of fur and your vacuum cleaner is working overtime. While you can't stop the shedding completely, there are ways to reduce excessive shedding in older cats.
  1. Natural Process

    • Shedding is a natural process in cats. As new hair grows, it pushes the dead hair out and causes shedding.

    Older Cats

    • Older cats groom themselves less effectively than younger cats do and this can cause excessive shedding and matted fur.

    Medical Causes

    • In older cats, hyperthyroidism, kidney or liver disease and diabetes can all cause excessive shedding. A poor diet, stress and allergies can also cause excessive shedding in cats.


    • Treating the cat's underlying medical condition will reduce excessive shedding.


    • Going over the cat with a flea or greyhound comb several times a week will improve the condition of the cat's skin, get rid of dead hair and reduce shedding.


    • Adding wet food to the cat's diet will help keep the cat well hydrated and moisturize the skin. Wild salmon or fish oil added to the cat's wet food can also reduce shedding. Health food stores sell wild salmon and fish oil. Your veterinarian can tell you how much to give.