Ground Pumpkin Seeds
Cucurbitin is found in unshelled pumpkin seeds. This amino acid eliminates intestinal parasites by paralyzing and expelling them from the digestive tract.
To use this method, wash and dry pumpkin seeds thoroughly, then grind in a food blender until they are in powder form. Freshly ground seeds are most effective, so preparing the seeds in this way before every feeding ensures the best results. However, if you need to store the powder in large amounts, put it in an airtight container in the freezer and get only a day's worth out at a time. Dosage is ¼ tsp. daily added to your kitten's meals.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthinium), cleanses the blood, killing any parasites in the digestive tract. Wormwood works by increasing stomach acid naturally and improving digestion. Consult a homeopathic veterinarian for dosage instructions before using wormwood.
Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of prehistoric, hard-shelled algae commonly known for its use as a non-toxic, non-chemical method of eliminating parasites in livestock. Certain types of diatomaceous earth are approved for use with humans and animals by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Give your cat 1 tsp. or give your kitten 1/2 tsp. daily for 60 days to eradicate any type of parasite infestation. Simply mix the diatomaceous earth in with the feline's food.
Withholding food for a 24-hour period once a week for healthy adult felines helps to clear out the digestive system. The lack of food weakens the parasites and causes them to die. If you cat or kitten is not otherwise healthy, consult your veterinarian before withholding food.
Home Remedies for Feline Parasite Removal
Most felines will end up with a case of parasites at some point. Kittens are especially susceptible to infestations. Veterinarians normally prescribe a de-worming medication; however chemical remedies are not good for the cat. Homemade remedies are healthier and work just as well. Before using a chemical method to rid your cat of parasites, try home remedies for feline parasite removal.