Herbal & Homeopathic Cures for Feline Mouth Tumors

Tumors are common among aging cats and can develop in any part of the body. The most common feline oral tumor is called Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The people behind the Natural Wonder Pet website claim to have gathered research from: The American and British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. They say this research shows certain herbs are extremely effective in fighting cancer and other cell abnormalities.
  1. Burdock Root

    • Burdock root is a purifier that cleanses the liver and kidneys. This herb helps to remove harmful toxins from the body. The carbohydrates found in Burdock root increase good bacteria, balance sugar levels, stimulate the immune system and suppress abnormal cell growth. Burdock root can be purchase fresh or dried to be mixed in your cats food, soft food generally works best. Dosage amounts will vary according to your cats weight and whether the tumors are benign or malignant. Ask you veterinarian for correct dosage amounts. Malignant tumors may require higher dosages.

    Slippery Elm Bark

    • Slippery Elm is an herb that has beneficial effects on the digestive system. The bark has anti-inflammatory properties that sooth the digestive tract, which helps the body get rid of toxins. Slippery elm can be added to your cats food, but check with your vet as to how much and how often this herb should be given.

    Sheep Sorrel

    • According to the Natural Wonder Pets website, there are at least 10 native tribes throughout the U.S. and Canada that use sheep sorrel in herbal recipes to fight cancer. It is claimed that sheep sorrel, when added to other herbs, directs all other herbs to the tumor site. Sheep sorrel is a native plant that can be found in dry climate areas. This herb should be used in small doses as it can cause diarrhea. Pet stores carry a variety of herbal products for cats; the store in which you purchase your herbs or your veterinarian can provide you with the correct dosage for your cat.

    Turkish Rhubarb Root

    • Turkish Rhubarb root is said to nourish the blood, liver and intestines. Those at Natural Wonder Pets claim this herb has proven to regenerate cells, cleanse and detoxify the body. A product called HHA 4-Herb Bulk Essiac Tea can be purchased from the Wolf Creek Ranch website. This tea contains Turkish rhubarb root, slippery elm, burdock root and sheep sorrel in a formulation that is specifically design for small animals, including cats. Dosage instructions can be found on the label.

    Cat's Claw Bark

    • Cat's claw is an immune stimulant. This herb contains oxindole alkaloids that strengthen the immune system and improve circulation by lowering blood pressure. The Natural Wonder Pets website states that an herbalist named Leslie Taylor has been using cat's claw to treat cancer with remarkable success. It is also stated that this herb contains anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.