Kittens are infested with roudworms through their mother's milk. Roundworms are common in cats and kittens, and can cause complications if left untreated. Roundworms infest the intestines, causing bloody diarrhea and a bloated abdomen. If roundworms travel outside a cat's digestive tract they can cause other problems, such as difficulty breathing or even blindness if the parasites reach the eyes. When left untreated roundworms can kill a cat or kittens.
Outdoor cats are susceptible to heartworms because they are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. Heartworms are often seen in dogs, but these harmful parasites also infest cats. Cats are infested by mosquito bites; nearly all mosquitoes carry heartworm larvae. In time the larvae develop into heartworms that cause destruction and reproduce in the heart muscle. Some heartworms infest the lungs or arteries before moving on to the heart.
Eventually the heartworms overtake the animal, causing extreme lethargy and heart problems. Infested cats may have difficulty breathing. Most cats can live only a few years with heartworms; treatment of this condition is difficult and not always successful.
Cryptosporidiosis is a harmful parasite found in cats, dogs and farm animals. The Centers For Disease Control says these worms can infest people if they are exposed to an infested animal's stool. This type of parasite causes severe abdominal distress, vomiting and cramping. Without treatment your cat can develop health problems or even die. These worms are very harmful to humans with compromised immune systems. Avoid contact with these worms by not taking stray cats in and by keeping your household pets and cats dewormed regularly. Many worms become harmful only when they have had a chance to reproduce. Allowing a cat to go untreated for parasites put the animal's health in jeopardy.
Harmful Worms Found in Cats
All cats are susceptible to parasite infestations, but some worms are harmful while other types of parasites can live happily in a cat's digestive tract without causing any major problems. The most harmful cat parasites are those that infest a cat's heart. Over time these worms eat holes in the heart, which leads to an early death.