Excessive scratching is one symptom that your cat may have fleas. If your cat is scratching more than usual either run a comb through its hair or part its fur and look for small pieces of black dirt. This is flea dirt or excess dried blood. If your cat is allergic to fleas it may bite at the base of its tail more than it does normally, groom itself excessively and have obvious skin lesions or hair loss.
Bathing your cat may bring relief from flea bites. Flea baths are effective for treating your cat's fleas and easing the discomfort associated with flea bites, but if any adult fleas are in your home, if your cat is an outdoor cat, or if flea eggs are still present, this is a temporary fix. Getting rid of the fleas is the only long-term solution to this problem.
Some doctors suggest using a dry bath foam for killing fleas on cats and warn against using treatments recommended for dogs since they tend to be more potent.
Bathing your cat in water mixed with pennyroyal or eucalyptus oil may help repel fleas.
The bite area can be treated by clipping hair around the affected area, washing it gently and applying an astringent to the hot spot. Aloe Vera helps with dryness.
Vacuuming can help control a flea infestation. A single flea means that there are probably hundreds of fleas in some stage of their life cycle in your house, and they can lie dormant for months. Removing fleas means treating your pets and your house.
Wash all bedding that your pet comes in contact with, including your own, in warm, soapy water once a week. Vacuum the floors and furniture. Add a piece of flea collar or flea powder to the vacuum bag and discard immediately otherwise you're simply creating a habitat for flea growth. Sprinkle natural powders such as rosemary or citronella in areas prone to fleas. When using powders, cover your mouth and nose with a mask to prevent inhaling any particles. Professional steam cleaning will kill both the adult fleas, eggs and larvae. Drench outdoor areas your cat frequents with soapy water. Add garlic and brewer's yeast to your cat's food and fur.
If home treatments are not helping or not improving your flea problem quickly enough, professional help through an exterminator and/or a veterinarian may be necessary.
Home Flea Bite Treatments for Cats
Many people's lives are enriched by owning a cat, but being a pet owner also has its responsibilities. Your pet's comfort, care and health is in your hands. The cat flea is a common problem that can lead to allergic reactions, infestations and health complications. Home treatment is one option for dealing with these pests and the irritations they leave behind.