The stripped grooming style is also known as shaving or clipping, and it involves shaving the cat's fur down close to its body. This style of grooming may be required if your cat's fur has become very matted, and it can also be used in areas where it is very warm and the cat's fur contributes to making it uncomfortable. If the cat is unused to being shaved or is nervous, the groomer may administer a sedative to make the process more straightforward.
Lion Cut
The lion cut is a grooming style where the fur on the cat's body is clipped short, but the fur on the head, feet and tail are left as they are. This cut is also called a poodle cut, because of its resemblance to the carefully clipped fur of show poodles.
Hygiene Cut
The hygiene cut does not affect the appearance of the cat's fur at all but instead is a functional cut. Cats with longer fur may get feces stuck to the fur near their anus when they relieve themselves. A hygiene cut trims down only the long fur near the cat's anus.
Partial Cut
A partial cut involves clipping the fur at the cat's inner thighs, armpits, anus, chin and tail. The partial cut grooming style neatens the cat's appearance, but the fur at the back, sides and tail is left as it is.
Peekaboo Cut
In the peekaboo cut, the fur on the cat's underbelly is shortened, but the length is blended into the longer fur on the cat's back. While this gives the cat a full-coated look, it reduces the attention necessary for the cat's stomach fur, which can be prone to matting and picking up debris.