Feline Diarrhea Treatments

Feline diarrhea can occur for a number of reasons. Perhaps your cat has eaten something which has upset its stomach, or has simply eaten too much. While it is usually best to take your cat to the vet if it is suffering from diarrhea so that a professional can diagnose the problem, it is sometimes possible to diagnose the problem yourself and implement home remedies which can provide relief for your pet.
  1. Find the Cause

    • If your cat has diarrhea, it is important to know what is causing the diarrhea in order to treat it. It is often possible to determine what has triggered diarrhea by examining your cat's feces. This may also be a good time to gather a feces sample; if you decide to visit your veterinarian, this sample can be tested for bacteria and parasites, and can help your vet to determine the cause of your pet's stomach upset. Use an online guide, such as the one listed below, to decide whether it is best to treat your cat's diarrhea at home or take it to the vet. Note the color, texture and consistency of your cat's feces and compare it with the descriptions listed.


    • Do not feed your cat until the diarrhea has stopped. The Cat Health Guide suggests refraining from feeding your cat for at least 10 hours. Provide plenty of clean, fresh water and encourage your cat to drink so that it does not become dehydrated.

      Once you are able to begin feeding your cat, provide simple, high fiber foods that will not upset its stomach. The Cat Health Guide suggests rice and fish as a good meal for a cat recovering from diarrhea. Yogurt can also be given. After a few days, you can resume your cat's normal diet.

    Home Remedies and Medications

    • There are several home remedies which you can use to treat your cat's diarrhea. The Cat Health Guide suggests placing honey on your cat's gums, which can give it energy and help clean out its intestinal tract.

      To help your cat recover from dehydration, a solution containing salt, baking soda, water and sugar may be used. However, if your cat is very dehydrated, it may need to be given fluids through an IV at your veterinarian's office.

      There are a number of cat diarrhea medications available in pet stores, or through your veterinarian. Check your local pet store for more information about the medications available.

    When To Visit The Vet

    • While home remedies and food restriction can often cure feline diarrhea and have your cat feeling better in no time, diarrhea can also be a sign of a more serious illness. If your cat has diarrhea lasting for more than 24 hours, then it is time to see the vet, as dehydration may occur. While examining your cat's stool, check for blood, which can be a sign of a serious complication requiring expert care. Vomiting and lethargy are also signs of a more serious problem. If you see any of these symptoms, do not implement any of the home remedies listed, but take your cat to the veterinarian. If in doubt, always err on the side of caution, and seek expert medical advice.