Declawing is a surgical method used to remove a cat's claws. In addition to the claws, either a portion or all of the third bone of each toe is removed, so the claw cannot grow back.
Laser Surgery
Laser surgery is available for declawing. A laser is used to remove the third bone of each toe, instead of the scalpel used in traditional surgery.
Laser surgery offers advantages such as no bleeding during the procedure and a less painful healing period, which may not require bandages.
Laser surgery for declawing is more expensive than traditional surgery. Because it is a relatively new technology, the surgeon may not be as experienced in the technique, which could result in complications like burned tissue.
Declawing is major surgery that removes one of a cat's main methods of defense. If a cat is declawed by laser or by traditional surgery, it is a good idea to keep it indoors so it will be safe.