How to Get a Cat Urine Sample to the Vet

A veterinarian may request a cat's urine sample to diagnose a health condition or as part of a regular checkup after the cat is more than 7 years old. Some veterinarians will take a urine sample in the office, others will ask for a sample from home. A cat's urine sample from home should be brought into the veterinarian's office no more than two hours after collecting, according to The Cat Health Guide.

Things You'll Need

  • Garbage bag
  • Paper towels
  • Non-absorbent material (such as packing peanuts, plastic aquarium pebbles)
  • Clean, dry container
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    • 1

      Put the dirty litter from the cat's litter box into a garbage bag. Dispose of garbage bag.

    • 2

      Use water to thoroughly clean the litter box. Remove any remaining traces of litter.

    • 3

      Rinse cleaned litter box with water. Use paper towels to dry thoroughly. Dispose of paper towels.

    • 4

      Fill the litter box with non-absorbent material, such as packing peanuts or plastic aquarium pebbles. Some pet stores sell non-absorbent material for a cat's urine collection.

    • 5

      After the cat has urinated, remove the non-absorbent material. Pour urine into a dry, clean container. Store in refrigerator until sample is transported to the veterinarian, ideally no more than two hours after collection.