How to Give Moducare to a Finicky Cat

Moducare supplies the body with sterols and sterolines, which help enhance the functions of the immune system. Commonly found in fruits and vegetables, sterols and sterolines boost natural killer and T-helper cell activity, and prevent excessive antibody functions. Made for humans, Moducare can also help dogs and cats. Moducare comes in capsule form, and should be taken on an empty stomach. Only Natural Pet Store recommends that cats take a half to one capsule daily.

Things You'll Need

  • Moducare
  • Towel
  • Assistant
  • Pilling device (optional)
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  1. Oral

    • 1

      Take the cat to a small room and place it on a stable surface. If the cat tries to run away or spit out the capsule, you will be able to catch the cat again easily.

    • 2

      Swaddle the cat in a large towel so that it can't move its legs.

    • 3

      Get someone to hold the cat from behind, grasping it around the chest to stop the cat from running away.

    • 4

      Hold the cat's head in your hand from above, anchoring your fingers on its cheek bones.

    • 5

      Pull the head back. Cats usually open their jaws when you do this.

    • 6

      Hold the Moducare capsule with your other hand, between your thumb and your index finger.

    • 7

      Place the middle finger of the hand holding the capsule in the cat's mouth, on the small lower incisor teeth to prevent the cat from shutting its mouth. Don't place your finger on the sharp fangs.

    • 8

      Drop the Moducare capsule as far back on the tongue as you can.

    • 9

      Withdraw your hand from the mouth and close the mouth as you stroke the cat's neck or blow on its nose to encourage swallowing.