How to Get Rid of Chronic Diarrhea in Cats

An occasional loose stool or bout of diarrhea from your cat is typically not a cause for concern. Digestive upsets happen to cats, just as they do to us. Chronic cases of diarrhea, however, should be addressed with your veterinarian. Recurring diarrhea or diarrhea lasting longer than 24 hours may leave your cat susceptible to dehydration. Your veterinarian may give you a prescription for diarrhea medication or recommend a household remedy. Learn the cause of your cat's diarrhea. Determining why your cat is chronically passing loose stools may dictate the treatment plan.


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      Take notes as soon as you notice the diarrhea. Note any recent changes in diet or any other symptoms of distress or illness your cat may be exhibiting. Write down a description of the color, consistency and odor of the stool. Provide your veterinarian with as much information as possible.

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      Take a stool sample. Place a small amount of your cat's stool in a container to bring to the vet for analysis. This can be viewed under a microscope to determine if parasites are the cause for your cat's chronic diarrhea.

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      Remove your cat's food bowl. Cats recovering from diarrhea should fast for 24 hours. For cats who suffer from frequent and chronic diarrhea, provide water in small amounts during the 24 hour fast to help prevent dehydration. When feedings resume, offer your cat bland people food, such as chicken and rice.

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      Offer honey to your cat. Honey will quickly clear out the gastrointestinal tract and give your cat an energy boost. Rub it onto its gums or leave it somewhere for it to lick.

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      Provide an herbal supplement that promotes healthy digestive function. RunnyPoo Relief is a natural remedy containing herbs such as plantain and podophyllum. Regular use may help to regulate your cat's digestive system and provide it with diarrhea relief.

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      Switch your cat to a higher fiber diet. Fiber absorbs moisture and works as a binding agent for feces. Look for cat food that contains fish or chicken. Stay away from commercial pet food that contains a mixture of lamb, rice, wheat and beef. If a new diet of high fiber commercial food does not improve your cat's chronic diarrhea, consider a homemade diet. Boil hamburger and drain the fat, then mix with white rice. This meal will be gentle on your cat's sensitive stomach as well as provide it with the nutrition it needs to stay healthy.