Treatment for a Fatty Liver in Felines

Fatty liver disease is a potentially fatal disease in cats that can lead to liver failure. There are a number of treatments for fatty liver disease, including possible medications and feeding treatments.
  1. What is Fatty Liver Disease?

    • Fatty liver disease, also known as feline hepatic lipidosis, is a build-up of fatty tissue around the liver. The fat prevents the liver from performing its proper functions and can result in liver failure or even death.


    • Most cases of fatty liver disease have an unknown cause. The disease is more likely to occur in obese cats, those with diabetes, or those suffering from heart disease. Stress is often the trigger of fatty liver disease.

    Feeding Treatment

    • Most cats with fatty liver disease will be put on a feeding treatment by the veterinarian. This will involve the installation of a feeding tube through the cat's stomach or nose. The cat will be fed high-protein food until for up to six weeks.

    Vitamin Supplements

    • The veterinarian will often give the cat a vitamin K supplement while it is under treatment. Vitamin K, an important factor in blood clotting, is stored by the liver, and cats with fatty liver disease may not be able to store it properly.


    • The veterinarian may also prescribe gastrointestinal medications to prevent ulcers from forming in the stomach due to the stress of the illness. Antibiotics may also be necessary to prevent infections due to a weakened immune system.