How Can You Tell If Your Cat Has a Urinary Infection?

Cats develop urinary problems due to crystals forming in the urinary tract. These crystals can become painful for the cat, and the infection will need treated by a veterinarian. Cats will often attempt to urinate frequently, but no urine will be present. Cats can also develop blood in the urine, and they may begin urinating in areas away from the litter box. Your veterinarian can properly diagnose a urinary tract infection, and they can prescribe your cat with the proper medicine or treatment.


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      Examine your cat to see if it uses the litter box. The cat may associate the box with painful urination and begin avoiding it and urinating in other places. The cat's inflamed bladder will not hold the urine for very long.

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      Watch your cat when it grooms itself. If the cat grooms itself excessively on its genital area, it may have developed a urinary tract infection.

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      Listen to your cat while it urinates. The pain from urination may make your cat cry or make unusual sounds.

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      Look for blood in the cat's urine. The urine will have pink or red streaks in it if blood is present.

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      Call your veterinarian to explain the symptoms. Allow her to diagnose your cat and treat the infection properly.