What Are Deworming Medications for Cats?

Cats are prone to intestinal parasites, especially if they spend time outside where they can be exposed to other infested cats. If left untreated, intestinal parasites can cause severe problems for your cat, but fortunately, they are easily diagnosed and treated. The type of medication used depends upon the parasite that is doing the infesting, which is easily determined with a simple fecal float test. Dewormers are generally administered in two doses two weeks apart, during which time the parasites will be shed in the stool.
  1. Pyrantel Pamoate

    • Pyrantel pamoate is such a safe drug that it is the first choice for deworming very young kittens as well as very old or sick cats. It is effective against roundworms and hookworms, which are the two parasites most commonly passed from a mother cat to her babies. If left unchecked, these parasites can cause diarrhea severe enough to cause the kitten to die from dehydration. However, a simple dose of pyrantel pamoate works on the parasites' central nervous system, causing paralysis and death, after which they are expelled in the stool. The drug is also easily administered, as it comes in a sweet, sticky liquid form that cats seem to love the taste of.


    • Droncit contains praziquantel, which is the best-known remedy for tapeworms. It is available in a pill or injectable form, and most vets will give an injection for the first dose and send you home with a pill to administer in two weeks. Note that this medication will kill any tapeworms present, but will not prevent future occurrences. Of course, tapeworms are caused by the ingestion of fleas, so proper flea control is the most effective tapeworm prevention.


    • Febendazole, sold as Panacur, is a versatile dewormer that is more commonly used in adult cats. It is effective against hookworms, whipworms, roundworms and strongyloides including giardia, and can even kill certain kinds of tapeworms. It comes in an oral suspension or as granules that can be mixed into food. While the granules are easily administered to dogs, most cats are quick to notice additives to their food. Most cat owners have better success with the oral suspension.


    • Sulfadimethoxine, sold as Albon, is used to treat coccidia infections that commonly strike kittens. Unlike most dewormers, Albon is administered daily, with the result that it can have a greater effect on the rest of the body. Cats should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids while on Albon, to prevent the formation of crystals in the urine that can lead to urinary tract infections. Like pyrantel pamoate, Albon is available in a sweet oral suspension that most cats will take readily.