How to Control Kennel Cough in Cats Within a Shelter

Kennel cough is a contagious illness that affects both cats and dogs. The name comes from the fact that it is often contracted inside shelters and kennels from other animals that have it. The symptoms include a hacking cough, as well as snorting and sneezing. Shelters can help control kennel cough in their cats with a few simple methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Humidifier
  • Vaccine
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      Test new cats that come into the shelter for kennel cough.

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      Keep cats that have kennel cough or are showing symptoms of kennel cough away from the other cats. This will help stop the spread of the illness.

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      Vaccinate cats that do not have kennel cough to further prevent them from catching it. It is also important to isolate cats that are new to the shelter and do not appear to have kennel cough. Symptoms of kennel cough don't show up for seven days, so it's important to keep these cats isolated from other cats for seven days to make sure they don't have it.

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      Place a humidifier inside the area where cats with kennel cough are kept. This will ease their symptoms, like coughing and wheezing.

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      Have a vet prescribe antibiotics and cough suppressants for the cats with kennel cough.