Why Go Natural?
Adverse responses to chemical treatments occur rarely. Not every cat can withstand toxins associated with veterinary or over-the counter flea treatments. Adverse responses are rare but can be debilitating. Reactions include excessive salivation, nervous reactions, lethargy and topical fur loss.
Anti-Flea Grooming
Comb the cat's whole body with a flea comb, dipping the comb periodically into hot--not boiling--water with mild soap suds added. Not only will the water and soap drown any fleas, but it will also give a sleek, clean coat finish. All body areas need grooming thoroughly as flea eggs cannot be seen.
Home-Made Repellents
Home-made repellents can be effective. You can make flea repellents by adding one drop of tea-tree oil, two drops of citronella, several sprigs of rosemary or half a squeezed lemon to a pint of boiling water; don't mix these ingredients, just choose one. Sieve the mixture, allow it to cool and transfer to a plant spray. This solution can be applied to the coat regularly; remember it's a repellent and won't kill fleas, eggs or larvae.
Applying Repellents
Spray your cool home-made solution liberally over kitty's coat, allowing it to dry naturally in the air. Don't towel-dry or use a hairdryer. Make sure your cat is in a very warm room while it dries; you don't want it to shiver. Repeat every few days and make sure the whole body is covered, avoiding the eyes.
Remember to flea-treat your home, too. Treating the environment is as vital as addressing flea-control on your cat. Lots of aggressive vacuuming is the best way to control household parasites, but you need to get into every corner, behind and beneath furniture, and into all the hidden crevices. Steam-cleaning helps too; steam all your furnishings as well as floor surfaces.
Even if you're seeking a "natural" solution for kitty's health, you might still want to use a veterinary flea spray on areas of your home. Simply remove your cat from the areas to be treated and isolate the cat for at least an hour post-application. If you make sure your house is flea-free, then it's much easier to control further fleas by concentrating on natural solutions for your cat.
Natural Flea Treatment
Sometimes natural--chemical-free--flea treatments are needed for cats and their environments. Older cats, those with allergic responses to chemical compounds, and pregnant or debilitated cats all benefit from less--or no--exposure to aggressive flea-care products. There are several options.