About Advantage for Cats & Dogs

A common problem when owning cats or dogs is flea manifestation. A nuisance to both your pet and home, fleas can be a troubling problem to solve. However, topical applications, such as Advantage, is a quick month-long solution to ridding your dog or cat of fleas. By using Advantage, you can control the bites and kill the fleas on your pet and then focus on ridding your home of the rest of the fleas.
  1. Fleas

    • Fleas are an annoying pest that can infest your cat, dog and home. The lifespan of a flea is two to three months but in some cases it can live for more than 100 days. Fleas can bite your pet up to 400 times a day. They go through three life stages before they reach adulthood which is why proper treatment of not only your pet but also your home is imperative to getting rid of fleas for good.


    • After applying Advantage, you can immediately bathe your pet. Other topical flea control medicines often restrict bathing for up to two days after application. Advantage works quickly when applied to your pet. It prevents bitings within three to five minutes of application. It will kill fleas within 12 hours and will work for a month straight before you need another application.


    • A disadvantage of the product Advantage is that it does not kill ticks. Advantage has to be supplemented with other flea control products because it works primarily on the fleas that live on the cat or dog. It will not kill the fleas that are manifested in carpets, bedding and furniture or flea egg larvae.


    • To apply Advantage to your cat or dog, remove the applicator tube from the packaging and pull of the cap. Break the seal of the tube by using the backside of the cap. At the neck or base of the skull of the cat or dog, part the hair until you can see the skin. Squeeze the tube directly onto the skin, ensuring that all of the medicine is squeezed out of the tube.


    • Young children will need to be kept away from the cat or dog for at least a day after advantage is applied to the pet. Because it acts through the skin of the pet, you would not want your child getting it on their skin and causing irritation. Also, avoid getting Advantage in the cat or dog’s eyes or mouth. Be cautious to give the right medicine based on the pet's weight.