Holistic Remedies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Cats

Inflammatory bowel disease occurs when your cat experiences bouts of diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and an increased appetite for two weeks or more. According to the pet education website Precious Pets, the condition occurs when the the cat's immune system starts attacking its digestive system, causing adverse symptoms.Traditional treatment includes steroids and antibiotics, which work to suppress the immune system. But some vets recommend holistic treatments to strengthen your cat's immune system instead. The symptoms of Inflammatory bowel disease can be similar to other serious conditions, so it is important to have a proper diagnosis from a vet before starting any treatment.
  1. Slippery Elm

    • Slippery elm is an herb used to treat diarrhea and stomach upsets. Working on the whole digestive system, slippery elm strengthens the mucous membranes of the stomach lining. It contains iodine, protein, manganese and trace minerals.

      Cat expert and breeder Susan Dorey recommends administering a solution of the herb, with two capsules mixed with 1 oz. water, for 2 to 3 weeks. The capsules can be purchased at health food stores. However, Dorey advises owners to check the label carefully as store-bought supplements can sometimes contain added alcohol, which could harm your cat.

    Milk Thistle

    • Milk thistle can aid the liver by helping it produce new cells. The liver breaks down substances in the body by producing enzymes, so milk thistle supplements can help this organ work more effectively and improve digestion.


    • Licorice works to soothe the digestive tract. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and can help relieve some of the symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease in your cat. Licorice lowers the pH of the stomach, reducing acidity. It also heals the mucous membranes of the stomach.

      Licorice should only be given to your cat in supplement form purchased from a health food store. Confectionery licorice has other added ingredients and is not suitable for animal consumption.


    • According to researchers at the University Hospital Leuven in Belgium, glutamine supplements can help regenerate important mucous membrane cells in the intestine and help maintain good intestinal function. Cats who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease are at risk of experiencing intestinal scarring so supplements containing glutamine might help prevent this and keep your cat's intestines healthy.


    • The use of Nux vomica and arsenicum can be effective methods of controlling diarrhea and vomiting in cats. You can mix 20 drops of 6X potency nux vomica with 1 oz. of water and give your pet half a dropper of the mixture to help relieve its symptoms. For arsenicum, you can administer 1 to 2 6X potency capsules. However, if your pet's symptoms do not improve within a few hours, it is important to seek advice from a vet.


    • Marshmallow supplements are anti-inflammatories and can help reduce swelling associated with inflammatory bowel disease. It soothes and protects the mucous membranes of the body, including the stomach and the intestines. Like licorice, marshmallow should only be given to cats in supplement form purchased from a health food shop, not as confectionery.