Home Remedies to Stop Diarrhea in Kittens

Diarrhea in kittens may be caused by anything from an intestinal parasite to the stress of a recent move. Acute, or short-term, diarrhea can often be treated at home, at least until it's possible to get to the vet. If diarrhea persists, however, owners should contact a vet immediately. Kittens are at higher risk for dehydration and other serious complications due to their small body size. Short-term home diarrhea treatment is inexpensive, relatively simple and can make life easier for both owners and kittens.
  1. Yogurt

    • One possible cause of kitten diarrhea is an overgrowth of intestinal yeast, commonly called a yeast infection. Active-culture yogurt helps the kitten's body defend itself against the yeast by increasing the population of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Owners should use only plain, unsweetened yogurt, however, since cats' bodies aren't designed to handle excessive sugar.


    • Additional fiber, such as pureed pumpkin or sweet potatoes, or wheat germ, can help kittens form solid stools and may stop an episode of diarrhea. This type of remedy is particularly helpful when the diarrhea is caused by a single unhealthy meal, such as too much dairy. Avoid using fiber products meant for humans, which may be too strong for a small kitten. It's also important to monitor the kitten, even after the diarrhea has stopped. Intestinal upset can indicate a more serious problem.

    Bland Diet

    • Kittens suffering from a food intolerance or allergy may develop digestive problems, including diarrhea. A bland diet, composed of a novel starch like potatoes or cooked rice, and a novel protein like lamb or well-cooked hamburger, can help isolate the problem and stop the diarrhea. Owners who suspect a food intolerance should never attempt to treat it entirely at home. An experienced vet can provide advice on nutritionally appropriate food that won't irritate the kitten's digestive system.