Diet for Feline Urinary Syndrome

Feline urinary syndrome is not a specific disease but rather a group of symptoms that occur secondary to irritaion, inflammation and/or blackages in the bladder or urinary tract. Feline urinary syndrom is not caused by bacteria in the urinary tract; thus, it can be controlled by changing your cat's diet and eliminating foods that contribute to blockages in the urinary tract and bladder.
  1. Fresh Water

    • Fresh, clean water should be available at all times for cats, especially those that suffer or have suffered from feline urinary syndrome. The more water your cat drinks, the cleaner its urinary tract will be, which will prevent irritation and inflammation in the walls of the urethra and bladder. Additionally, drinking plenty of water can wash out small stone formations before they develop into blockages.

    Wet Foods

    • Because water is so important in the diet of cats with feline urinary syndrome, wet cat food can help add water to their diet. Although dry cat food is not always bad for cats that suffer from feline urinary syndrome, dry cat food results in decreased amounts of water that is taken in by your cat. Furthermore, you can purchase canned cat food designed to reduce the chances of urinary syndrome from your veterinarian or pet supply store.

    Dry Foods

    • Not all dry foods can be fed to cats that suffer from feline urinary syndrome. There are specially formulated dry foods that can be purchased from your veterinarian or from pet supply stores that are designed to reduce the chances of irritation in the urinary tract and bladder, as well as lessen the chances of stone formation, which results in symptoms of urinary syndrome. There are several brands to choose from with a variety of flavors available for your cat.

    Maintence Foods

    • When purchasing specially formulated canned or dry cat food, there are a few things to consider. The first is the ash (mineral) content of the food, and the second is the amount of water in the food. A high ash content and low water content can aggravate urinary syndrome as well as cause its recurrence. Select foods that are formulated and advertised as a feline "urinary health" diet or food product.

    Treatment Foods

    • Stone formations made up of mineral deposits in a cat's urinary tract and bladder also contribute and cause urinary syndrome in cats. There are specially formulated foods that are designed to break up and reduce the number of stones your cat has inside its urinary system already by dissolving them before they create blockages. These specially formulated foods are limited in the amount of magnesium they contain, thus making the urine more acidic and capable of dissolving stones in the bladder.