Holistic Remedies for Diarrhea in Cat

Diarrhea is common among cats, and can indicate a variety of conditions from parasite infestation to irritable bowel disease. Most cases, however, are simply the result of a mild intestinal flare-up, and can be treated at home. If you prefer natural remedies to prescription medications, many options exist. If the diarrhea persists for more than 24 hours despite your attempts to stop it, though, consult your vet.
  1. Canned Pumpkin

    • If your cat is having intermittent diarrhea but is otherwise healthy, adding a tablespoon or two of canned pumpkin to her food will supply additional protein that will help the stools stay formed.

    Bland Diet

    • Feeding your cat frequent, small amounts of plain chicken and rice for a day or two will give her digestive tract time to calm down, and the diarrhea should gradually stop.

    Yucca Root

    • Yucca root can help soothe the digestive tract and reduce pain and inflammation. It is also helpful in repairing damaged tissue. It can be found at many health food stores in a pill or powder form.

    Calcium Montmorillonite

    • Calcium montmorillonite is an edible clay powder that will bind to toxins and bacteria that can cause diarrhea. It also removes moisture from the digestive tract, allowing the stool to become formed. Mixing a small amount with water to make a paste and applying it to your cat's tongue is the easiest method of administration.

    Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice

    • Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) helps the digestive tract heal more quickly and reduces muscular spasms that lead to urgent diarrhea. It can be found in many health food stores in a liquid or pill form.

    Slippery Elm

    • Slippery elm is a soothing emollient that coats the lining of the digestive tract to protect the mucosal lining. This allows subsequent bulk to pass through without irritating the tissues, allowing inflammation to subside. Available as a powder, pill or liquid, slippery elm is found where holistic remedies are sold.


    • Probiotics help balance the intestinal flora. Diarrhea often occurs when the "bad" bacteria outnumber the "good" bacteria, and probiotics promote the growth of good bacteria. Although they are available in pill form, adding a tablespoon of plain yogurt to your cat's food will also supply the necessary amount.


    • Taking away your cat's food for 24 hours will not make her starve to death, but it will give her digestive tract time to settle down. Make sure she has free access to plenty of fresh water, and reintroduce food very gradually at the end of the fast. If the diarrhea continues despite fasting, consult your vet.