Cat Flu in Kittens

Kittens are prone to many diseases. One such disease is the viral infection that causes cat flu. Although it can affect cats of any age, cat flu strikes most severely at very old and very young cats. It's important for owners to take proper care of any kitten with cat flu while it recovers.
  1. Features

    • According to website Pawprints &Purrs, Inc., one of the most common diseases in cats is the upper respiratory infection caused by cat flu. This disease is not reactive to vaccines, and passes easily from mother to kitten during pregnancy. For this reason, many kittens are born with the cat flu virus already in their system.


    • According to the Vetinfo website, the feline herpes virus, FHV-1, causes the cat flu. The virus is contagious through the air, physical contact and shared environment, and is highly transferable between cats. Like in humans, the herpes virus stays with a cat for life, but only causes sickness on occasion.


    • Symptoms of cat flu are akin to the symptoms of a cold in humans. A kitten may have swollen infected eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing, fever, depression and intermittent joint pain. A sick kitten may refuse to drink water and become dehydrated.


    • Cat flu can be very dangerous to cats and kittens that are in stressful situations. The Vetinfo website reports that a pregnant cat who gets sick may lose her kittens. Kittens that are young or have a challenged immune system may have a difficult time overcoming the disease. In critical cases, where a kitten's dehydration becomes serious, the kitten requires hospitalization.


    • Treatment for cat flu in kittens consists of keeping the kitten safe and comfortable until its body deals with the virus. Owners should bathe the kitten's eyes and nose with warm water to keep them clean and clear. They should consult a veterinarian about getting a prescription for antibiotics to control any secondary infections, and watch the kitten's hydration. Since cat flu is highly contagious, owners should separate a sick kitten to protect any other cats from the virus.