A Dry Flaky Nose in a Cat

Many people are under the impression that a wet cat nose means a healthy cat. While this is not always true, sometimes a dry, flaky nose can signify a medical problem. Watching out for other unusual symptoms in your cat might help your veterinarian diagnose the cause of the dry nose more easily.
  1. Misconceptions

    • The most common misconception of a dry nose in a cat is that it is a sign of illness. While most dogs and cats have moist noses this is not a sign of health, according to veterinarian Arnold Plotnick on Cat Channel's website. However, if other symptoms such as a flaky nose accompany the dry nose, a veterinary checkup might be in order to be safe.


    • A dry nose in a cat has a number of causes. These include laying in the sun, spending time near a heat source, spending time in a room with poor ventilation and air circulation, and licking, according to Hill's Pet. If the cat's dry nose is also flaky, it's possible the cat has a dermatological condition.


    • If you live in a dry climate as opposed to a humid one, your cat's nose might often appear dry and perhaps flaky, according to Pictures of Cats. However, if the cat has warm ears it might have a fever. Dry, tacky gums along with a dry nose indicate dehydration, which can lead to heatstroke and death if left untreated.


    • White cats are prone to sunburn on their noses, causing dry, flaky skin, which can lead to cancer, according to Pictures of Cats. Applying a sunscreen to your white cat's nose and keeping the cat out of the sun at the hottest part of the day helps prevent burning.


    • Make sure your cat gets plenty of water, especially in the warmer months. This can help prevent dehydration. If the cause of your cat's dry, flaky nose is a dermatological condition caused by allergies, changing the cat's diet can help. A veterinarian might prescribe medication to help relieve any dermatological conditions affecting your cat's nose, according to veterinarians at Pet Education.