Flower Remedies for Cats

Flower essences are safe, gentle homeopathic-like remedies that can help a cat overcome negative emotions. Cats that are fearful, anxious or stressed, aggressive, grieving for a lost human or animal friend or are so sick they've lost the will to live all can benefit from the healing energy of flower remedies. Most health food stores and some pet supply stores sell flower remedies. They're also available online. Choose the ones that best match your cat's demeanor and situation. Dilute the remedies in spring water, put a couple of drops on a fingertip and rub them into the fur on top of the cat's head between the ears.
  1. Rescue Remedy

    • Rescue Remedy combines five Bach flower essences. Use it several times a day as a stress-reliever or to help a cat recover from any kind of trauma, from an accident to illness. To relieve the stress of a vet visit, spray it in your cat's carrier. It also can calm feral cats awaiting spay/neuter surgery when sprayed into their traps. Rescue Remedy should not be diluted.

    Beech and Walnut

    • Beech and walnut both help cats make transitions and adjust to change. They're especially useful for shelter cats and cats in new homes.


    • Chamomile calms irritable and fractious cats. Use it for cats that are difficult to handle during vet visits.

    Cherry Plum and Vine

    • Try cherry plum for a cat that bites or becomes aggressive with other animals or people. Use vine if your cat is a bully and can't live peacefully with other cats.


    • Chicory can help overly possessive cats that constantly demand attention and seem jealous when attention is focused on someone else. It's a good choice for a possessive cat that seems jealous of a new baby. It also helps with separation anxiety.


    • If a cat is very sick, gorse can restore its will to live.


    • Honeysuckle can help a cat grieving over a lost home or family member. It's also helpful for shelter and rescue cats.


    • Try larch with a shy, timid cat that hides all the time.


    • Mimulus helps cats overcome such fears as thunderstorms, vet visits or a new family member.

    Rock Rose

    • Rock Rose calms cats that are nervous and high-strung.

    Star of Bethlehem

    • Star of Bethlehem is one of the essences in Rescue Remedy. It helps cats recover from the shock of an accident, abuse or going to a new home.

    Sweet Chestnut

    • Sweet Chestnut can help a cat overcome the despair of losing a human or animal friend.