Cat Kidney Disease & Airplane Travel

Air travel for a cat with kidney disease can pose health risks. If you need to travel by plane, seek veterinary advice beforehand. Ensuring your cat will be in comfortable conditions and that you have the necessary medications with you for the flight is essential.
  1. Significance

    • Cats with kidney disease might find traveling even more uncomfortable and stressful than normal. This can have long-term repercussions for its health, particularly if it is already unwell. If your cat has kidney disease, consult with both your vet and your airline in advance to make the trip as pleasant and stress-free as possible for your pet.


    • It's important to think carefully about your cat's needs before planning a plane trip. For instance, some cats with renal failure may have an increased level of thirst. Higher levels of urination are also common in cats with kidney problems, so you will have to accommodate this aspect as well.


    • Pawprints and Purrs advises that you think about your cat's medication and diet. Ensure you have enough medication to last the trip and, if your cat needs a dose in-flight, that you will be able to give it to her. If your cat is on a special diet, take extra food with you in case you can't access the brand immediately at your destination.


    • Try to choose direct flights over transfers when possible. If you are involved in transfer flights, your cat may be left outside the airplane for a certain period of time. In this case, your airline will usually ask what conditions your cat is acclimatized to.

    Expert Insight

    • Dr. Andrew Jones says it's important to give your cat fresh water upon landing. Supply her with a crate large enough to stand and walk around in. This will minimize their stress levels.