Cat's Dry Skin Care

If your cat is scratching a lot, it may not be fleas; it could be dry skin. Cats get dry skin for a number of reasons, including allergies, dry winter weather combined with the heat being on inside, a hormonal imbalance or a poor diet. If your cat is scratching because of dry skin, your cat is probably uncomfortable, and the scratching may lead to infections, according to the Vetinfo website.
  1. Causes

    • Cats can have dry skin from internal or external causes. If your cat isn't getting enough fluids, it may be dehydrated and have dry skin. Your cat may be allergic to its food or to something in its surroundings, which can cause dry skin. Your cat's diet may not have enough fats in it. Your cat also can have dry skin due to a viral or bacterial skin infection, or your cat may have a hormonal imbalance, according to the Vetinfo website.


    • Changing your cat's diet is a good way to try to help its skin condition. You will want to feed your pet a quality brand of cat food that provides your cat with a nutritious diet. Giving your cat vitamins and minerals can help this condition, too. Omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids can help your cat's skin. You can get these supplements in gel caps, or you can add fish oil or flaxseed oil to your cat's food.

    Vitamins and Herbs

    • If a cat's skin is already damaged from the dryness, you can give your pet vitamins A and E, which will cleanse the body and prevent allergies and irritations, according to the Vetinfo website. Building up the immune system with Echinacea herbs, grape seeds or gingko biloba can help, too.

    More Remedies

    • Brush or comb your cat's hair to remove any dander and loose hair. This is especially important in the winter, according to Unless your cat has grease or oil on its coat, you probably don't need to bathe your cat because cats bathe themselves. Baths can dry out the skin. If you do have to give your cat a bath, use one with oat extracts and after the bath, use a conditioning rinse that is designed for pets.

    Expert Advice

    • Always have water available for your cat to drink. You may want to switch to wet food or mix wet food in with the dry. You can buy moisturizing lotions, designed for pets, which you apply on a regular basis, according to the Vetinfo website. No matter what is causing your cat to have dry skin, your cat will benefit from taking supplements. Your vet should be able to tell you if the causes are external or internal and your best treatment method.