How to Clean Cat Dander

When cats shed they also shed dander, small white flakes that stick to all kinds of surfaces, particularly rugs. Cat dander can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Constant cleaning of your home will help remove most of the dander that falls from the cat.

Things You'll Need

  • HEPA vacuum cleaner
  • Washing machine
  • Mild detergent
  • Face mask
  • Cat shampoo (for dry skin)
  • Soft bristled brush
  • Cloth
  • Air purifier
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      Vacuum carpets, floors, curtains and furniture. Use a high efficiency particulate air vacuum cleaner to eliminate a lot of the cat dander and prevent allergens. Cat dander will get on all types of surfaces, making it necessary to vacuum at least twice a week. If you cannot vacuum your curtains, wash them in warm to hot water every few months. You also can steam clean carpets, rugs and furniture periodically.

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      Wipe down the walls in every room. Cat dander is easily transferred from room to room whether the cat actually goes in there or not. Once a month, use a wet cloth to wipe down the walls. Dust the furniture in the rooms as well using a damp cloth to capture the cat dander on those surfaces.

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      Wash your bedding and the cat's bedding. Wash sheets and pillowcases once a week in warm to hot water and keep the cat out of your bedroom to help eliminate some of the cat dander. Wash your cat's bedding at least once a week, including pillows and rugs, using mild detergent. Only use bedding for your cat that you are able to wash.

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      Groom your cat. One of the most effective ways to clean cat dander is to bathe and brush your pet. Use a shampoo on your cat that helps prevent dry skin, bathing them once a month. Use a soft bristled brush to brush your pet daily. When brushing, take the cat outside or in the garage to help eliminate cat dander from flying around in your home.

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      Use an air purifier to help reduce cat dander from your home's air. Using an air purifier in the room your cat stays in most often will help eliminate much of the dander flying around.