Why Does Catnip Make Cats Crazy?

Everyone has heard of catnip. But many people don't know exactly what it is or what makes cats go so crazy for it.
This benign substance can be used in different capacities with cats and even has health benefits.
  1. What Catnip Is

    • Catnip is the common name for Nepeta cataria. It is a plant from the mint family. This weed grows wild across the United States, particularly in the Midwest.

    The Active Ingredient

    • The active ingredient in catnip is nepatalactone. It is similar to a chemical present in the urine of female cats. This can explain why unneutered males react more strongly to it than neutered ones or females.

    Not All Cats React to Catnip

    • Cats younger than three months typically do not react to catnip. Likewise, not all adult cats react to it to the same degree. Over a third of all adult cats do not react to it at all. These varying degrees of reaction are attributed to environmental factors, genetics and gender. Obviously, given the nature of the chemical, males respond more strongly to it than females. Some cats have a kind of genetic resistance to catnip. This trait is not yet fully understood.

    Typical Reactions to Catnip

    • Common reactions to catnip include salivation, rolling, rubbing, leaping and running.

    Uses of Catnip

    • Besides giving it to cats for a treat, catnip can also aid in training. Applying it to scratching posts can encourage cats to use them. It is frequently added to stuffed toys to make them more desirable to cats.

    Safe, Edible Plant

    • Another advantage of catnip is the fact that it is one of the few plants that a cat can safely eat. If you have a cat who likes to nibble on plants, grow catnip especially for him and place it in easily accessible spots.

    Health Benefits

    • Catnip is not only fun for cats, but has health benefits also. It relieves stress and nervousness in cats. It can also be brewed as a tea to bathe and relieve itchy skin.