Antiseptic Cream for Cats

Although cats are pretty spry creatures, they're not invincible. Cats can be injured in fights with other felines or scratch themselves on sharp objects. If your cat is seriously injured, take him to a veterinarian immediately. For small cuts, scrapes or bites, your veterinarian may prescribe antiseptic cream for your cat. Antiseptic cream is applied to pets similar to human application.
  1. What is Antiseptic Cream?

    • Antiseptic cream or ointment contains antifungal and antibacterial ingredients that battle infection in small wounds. Since cats have fur and cannot wear adhesive bandages to protect the wounds, antiseptic cream can be applied to lower the risk of infection. Typically, your veterinarian will recommend an all-purpose antiseptic cream to treats wounds such as rashes, scrapes, small burns and fungal infections of the skin.

    When to Apply

    • Antiseptic cream can be applied to small cuts, grazes and bite wounds, as long as the cat is not acting abnormally or showing signs of lethargy. Antiseptic cream or ointment should not be applied to burns, as this may trap the heat from the wound and cause more pain. Instead, soak the area in cold water and take your cat to the vet.

    Application and Restraint

    • Most of the time, cats with minor injuries will allow you to apply antiseptic cream over the wound without much of a struggle. However, bite wounds and deeper scratches can be very painful, making application difficult. Your cat may swat, spit and try to bite you while you are spreading the cream over the injury. When dealing with an injured cat, it's important to restrain the animal if he is aggressive or frightened. Make sure to speak softly and move slowly around the cat. Pet the cat an comfort him. Hold the scruff of his neck firmly with one hand while applying the cream.


    • Some ingredients in certain antiseptic creams can be extremely dangerous for your feline friend. Phenol, a chemical often found in disinfectants, is very toxic to cats. Exposure to skin may result in skin irritation or burns. Ingestion may lead to irritation and burns on the mouth, as well as drooling or vomiting. Although rare, ingestion of phenols can lead to breathing problems, shock or even death.

    Be Prepared

    • People often have to travel or move, and want to take their cat with them. It is important to be prepared in case of an emergency when traveling with your feline. Just as you keep a first aid kit for your family, a first aid kit should also be put together for your cat. Include an all-purpose antiseptic cream, tweezers, hydrogen peroxide and gauze bandages.