Cushing's Syndrome
Cushing's syndrome is a rare endocrine disorder in which the cat's adrenal glands produce too many glutocorticoids, hormones that are used in autoimmune responses. Cats who suffer from this disorder are excessively thirsty, urinate frequently, have an enlarged abdomen without overeating, and may be lethargic or lose hair. Max's House, a health care website devoted to cats, says that this disease is usually caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland and occurs more frequently in cats over the age of 12. Your vet can prescribe oral medication to correct this condition. You will need to administer the medication daily for the rest of the cat's life. Some cats become severely dehydrated because of this disease and must be rehydrated in the vet's office or animal hospital prior to beginning treatment.
Tuberculosis is extremely rare in cats. It occurs if the cat drinks infected milk or eats infected rodents. Tuberculosis in cats can manifest itself as skin lesions that won't heal or as swollen lymph nodes and difficulty breathing. Feline tuberculosis can be passed from cats to humans, although The Cat Group says this is even more rare. However, humans with HIV are susceptible to this disease and should avoid contact with cats that have this disease. Treatment for feline tuberculosis is expensive and not guaranteed to work, according to The Cat Group. It involves administering powerful drugs which may be toxic to the cat or only suppress symptoms. If your cat has this disease, you may need to consider euthanasia.
Toxoplasomosis is a parasite that outdoor cats contract via eating infected prey. This disease is more of concern to humans than cats because most cats do not display any symptoms and become immune to the parasite after several days of infection; humans can contract the disease from touching infected cat feces. Cats with compromised immune systems, such as kittens or those suffering from feline HIV, may suffer from fever, lethargy and loss of appetite. If the parasite gets into their lungs, they can develop pneumonia. Your vet can prescribe antibiotics to rid your cat of toxoplasmosis.
Rare Cat Diseases
Many cats suffer from minor illnesses such as feline herpes or roundworms. These diseases don't significantly impact the cat's life and pose no risk to humans. Some rarer cat diseases, however, can make the cat seriously ill or threaten human health. It is important to be aware of rare diseases in order to protect yourself and your cat if he contracts an illness.