Pain Relief for Cats After Surgery

Surgery is stressful to cats, and even when they get home, they are likely dealing with pain and exhaustion. Cats do not show pain in obvious ways, but giving a cat the appropriate care after surgery can make it more comfortable and facilitate healing. Relieving post-surgical pain in cats is an important part of the healing process.
  1. Significance

    • Cats that are in pain after a surgery may become agitated and stressed. Not only can this delay their healing, it might agitate them to the point where they start to worry at the incision area. Reducing a cat's pain after it has surgery will help speed the cat's healing.


    • If a cat is returning to a house full of children and other pets, it is a good idea to segregate the cat for a while in a small, comfortable room. A cat that is dealing with children and other animals is likely to be stressed and uncomfortable, and this can detract from its healing. Time alone can keep the cat quiet and allow it to start healing. Reducing noise that can startle or agitate the cat also keeps the cat calm.

    Cold Packs

    • According to Vet Surgery Central, a cold pack can numb the surgical wound and relieve pain for the cat. Crushed ice in a plastic bag or even a frozen container of food can be used for pain relief.


    • After the surgery, the veterinarian will likely prescribe some pain medication. Tramadol and Fentanyl are two options, and anti-inflammatory drugs like Meloxicam and Carprofen can also keep your cat comfortable. These medications can ease pain and keep your cat calm enough that it will not reopen the wound. Give these medications as they are prescribed and in the correct dosages.


    • One method to reduce a cat's pain is to ensure that its body is healing more quickly. The cat is not going to heal well unless it eats, but cats who are in pain may find their normal hard kibble unappealing or even difficult to eat. While the cat is healing you must take care to ensure that the cat gets enough calories. Canned wet food can both interest the cat as well as provide it with the nutrients it needs to heal effectively.