What is Revolution?
Revolution® kills fleas and ear mites. Revolution® is a clear fluid anti-flea and mite treatment available in a pack of six or three ready-to-use dropper packs, for administration between the shoulder blades where cats can't lick. Unlike many other treatments it has the advantage of also killing ear mites, hookworms, mange mites, roundworms and heartworms. It's often used in feral or aggressive cats with ear mites because it's so easy to apply, avoiding ear drops. It's available from veterinarians.
How Revolution Works
Revolution® prevents fleas hatching and kills on contact. Revolution®'s active ingredient is "selamectin", which is absorbed into the cat's bloodstream via the skin and circulates in its body for approximately one month before the next application is needed. As Revolution® works its way back to the cat's skin it kills fleas within 36 hours of contact, but also prevents fleas' eggs from hatching.
Why Treatment's Important
Cat parasites can transfer to people. Keep kitty free of fleas and parasites; cats with fleas become anemic and weak. Their skin becomes sore and kitty itches constantly; fleas can also pass on tapeworms. Risks to humans are considerable too. Fleas infest the soft furnishings and can bite you, your family and other pets and spread diseases. Parasites like intestinal hookworms and roundworms can also transfer to people. Ear mites make kitty very uncomfortable and he'll scratch; his ear may become damaged and infected.
Flea prevention is better than cure. Revolution® for cats only rarely brings side-effects. However, as with any other medication these can occur. Side-effects include hair loss at the application site, vomiting, increased breathing rate, muscle tremors, allergic skin reactions, lethargy, lack of appetite, drooling and diarrhea. It can be applied to kittens over 8 weeks, pregnant cats and those feeding kittens, but shouldn't be used on underweight, weak or debilitated animals. Never use in conjunction with any other flea product applied directly to your cat; this causes overdose and possibly death.
Applying Revolution® to cats is only a part of treating infestations. Even if you don't see fleas in your home, household carpets, sofas, beds, pet bedding and other soft furnishings need treating with veterinary flea spray; ask your veterinarian for recommended products. Follow user guides and remove kitty from treated areas for an hour. Use household flea sprays regularly as a preventive measure. Also, use Revolution® or a similar routine treatment monthly, not only when fleas are suspected.
About Revolution Cat Mite Medicine
Revolution® for cats is a "spot-on" (dropper pack) flea and ear mite treatment commonly recommended by veterinarians for application to cats' skin on a monthly basis. It's one of the most popular and easily administered preventive anti-parasitic treatments but like any other veterinary medication, should be used knowledgeably and with care.