How to Get Rid of the Flu in a Cat

Cats can become infected with viral and bacterial illnesses that cause cold and flu-like symptoms. A cat that is suffering from the flu might have symptoms such as a fever, nasal congestion, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. These very contagious illnesses usually develop within five days of exposure. Treatment of the flu in cats is aimed mainly at boosting the immune response and managing the symptoms to keep your cat comfortable while they heal.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft cloth
  • Vaporizer
  • Afrin nasal drops
  • Canned cat food
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    • 1

      Provide plenty of fresh water to keep your cat well hydrated.

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      Encourage the cat to eat food by providing foods that have strong favorable odors. Canned cat food is an excellent option because of its rich aroma and high protein content. Cats suffering from congestion will often have a decreased appetite because of their inability to smell the food.

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      Clean the cat's nose with a soft cloth to remove mucous accumulation and maximize air passage into the nostrils. Also clean the cat's eyes if there is any discharge present.

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      Administer one drop of Afrin into each nostril two times a day. This will reduce the swelling and help relieve congestion.

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      Place the cat in a room with a vaporizer. The vaporizer will provide added moisture to the cat's mucous membranes and loosen any mucous present.

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      Limit the cat's activity by reducing stimulation. This will allow the cat to get plenty of rest so that the cat's immune system can fight the invading virus.