Signs of Old Age in Cats

As a cat ages, its body goes through many changes. Veterinarians consider cats to be geriatric at the age of 8, but those that are well cared for often reach 15. As your cat ages, you may notice conditions such as arthritis begin to develop. It is important to consult your veterinarian to give your cat the best care possible in its golden years.
  1. Oral Conditions

    • As cats age, they may experience gum disease, which can result in tooth loss and cause pain when they eat. Cats react differently to pain and in some cases, cats with tooth decay can become aggressive. It is important to examine your cat's mouth frequently to identify a dental problem before it becomes serious. You can do this by raising your cat's lips with your fingers, gently pulling them apart so the teeth and gums are visible. Consult your veterinarian if you find any broken teeth, tooth decay or ulcerated gums.


    • Cats can develop arthritis as they age. Although most cats that suffer from arthritis do not become completely lame, it may be difficult for them to get in and out of their litter boxes. Arthritic cats may also have difficulty gaining access to their food and water dishes, especially if they must negotiate stairs to reach them. Climbing stairs may be too painful for an arthritic cat. You can help your aging cat with this by keeping litter boxes and food dishes in easy-to-reach places. Cats that have trouble getting in and out of litter boxes may begin to have accidents elsewhere in the house as a result.


    • Diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer and kidney disease are some of the conditions that may affect aging cats. Older cats are often less able to fend off diseases because their immune systems don't function as well as they age. Chronic diseases may also further impair a cat's immune system. Be sure to schedule regular checkups for your cat. Your veterinarian is trained to spot disease and illness in their earliest stages. Early diagnosis and treatment will help your cat live a longer life.