Home Remedies for Pet Ear Mites

Ear mites live on the skin surface in the ear and cause severe itching and irritation. Your pet will shake its head and scratch and the ear may appear red from the scratching. The ASPCA describes specks resembling coffee grounds in a build-up of wax in the ear. Home remedies may clear the problem quickly. If there are signs of severe infection, see your veterinarian.
  1. Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth

    • Do not use pool-filter-grade diatomaceous earth near your pets. However, the food-grade product will not harm them. Just put a pinch of the powder into the ears daily for a month to kill existing and newly hatched mites.

    Hydrogen Peroxide and Alcohol

    • Mix one part hydrogen peroxide and one part alcohol. Use this to clean the ear with cotton balls. It will kill the mites and relieve some of the itching.

    Almond Oil and Vitamin E

    • Mix 1/2 oz. of almond oil with 400 IUs of vitamin E. Apply to the affected part of the ear with an eyedropper. To avoid injury, do not insert the eyedropper into the ear. Massage the ear to encourage the oil to run down into it. Use this treatment daily for six days, and then let the ear rest for three days. Repeat four times to be sure to eliminate all mites and eggs. The oil will heal the irritation and quiet the itch.

    Olive Oil with Tea Tree Oil

    • For dogs or rabbits, mix one drop of tea tree oil in a quarter cup of olive oil. Apply a few drops into the ear and massage to urge the oil into the ear canal. This will relieve the itching and loosen the debris. Clean the debris out with cotton balls. Use the treatment twice each day for 10 days. You may need to repeat the treatment in order to kill all the eggs. Do not use tea tree oil in cats' ears, as it will poison cats.

    Yellow Dock

    • Native Americans recognized the medicinal properties of yellow dock and used it for healing wounds and rashes. To stop the itching and begin the healing process, mix 2 tbsp. of the dried root in 2 cups of water. Use a cotton ball to sponge the outer ear. Take care to avoid having the liquid run into the ear canal. You will have to repeat the process twice a week for six weeks.

    Isopropyl Alcohol and Vinegar

    • Mix equal parts vinegar and alcohol. Use cotton balls dipped in the solution to clean the debris and dried blood in the ear flaps and outer ear. Prevent the solution from getting down into the ear canal. According to Healthy Pet, you should always keep your dogs' ears dry. The alcohol in the mixture will dry the ear after the vinegar cleans it. This mixture will soothe the itchiness, but may sting when applied.