Causes of Diarrhea in an Indoor Cat

Diarrhea occurs in all cats at some time or another. If your cat is an indoor cat, diarrhea can be even more troublesome, as the mess (not to mention the smell) can wreak havoc on your home. Treatments for feline diarrhea vary and include change of diet or even antibiotics in some cases. Veterinary treatment is recommended for cats who experience diarrhea, as your veterinarian can best explain how to treat the problem. A number of factors contribute to your indoor cat suffering from diarrhea.
  1. Dietary Changes

    • Sudden changes in your cat's diet may result in digestive upset and diarrhea. Indoor cats grow accustomed to structure and routine, so changing the food may be a trigger. Keeping your cat on a routine feeding schedule and feeding the same type of food (or introducing new food very gradually) can prevent this problem.

    Change in Water

    • If you travel with your cat or if you move, your cat may gain access to unfamiliar water. Just like a rapid change in diet, a rapid change in water may produce diarrhea in your cat. Give your cat filtered water only or bring water from home when traveling to prevent this from occurring.

    Dairy Products

    • If your cat consumes dairy products of any kind, diarrhea may follow. Cats are lactose intolerant, so they cannot digest dairy products. This includes milk, cheese, sour cream, ice cream and yogurt.

    Inappropriate Food

    • Indoor cats occasionally get into the garbage as a way to entertain themselves. Unfortunately, consuming the spoiled or otherwise inappropriate food in the trash can give your cat diarrhea. Keep the trash locked in a cupboard or out of your kitty's reach to prevent this.

    Intestinal Viruses or Parasites

    • Even if your cat lives indoors, it may still be exposed to other cats at the kennel, veterinarian or even when you bring a new cat into the home. Thus, your indoor cat is susceptible to intestinal viruses and parasites that may cause diarrhea.


    • Moving, a stay at the kennel, a trip to the vet, introduction of a new family member (human or animal) and even thunderstorms may produce stress for your cat. Stress takes it toll on cats in many ways, one of which is diarrhea.