Healthy Urination Frequency
Urinary tract infections in male cats are serious. Some cats urinate more frequently than others; what matters is that your cat's pattern of urination remains constant and that the cat doesn't seem troubled when he passes water. The main factor affecting frequency of cat urination is diet; if you feed mostly a wet diet it's natural your cat will urinate more, so if you've changed his diet from wet to dry, it's natural his urination frequency changes. Therefore, there's no "healthy" urination frequency, so just look out for changes.
Warning Signs/Causes
Give your cat lots of fresh water. Warning signs are often a combination of how often cats urinate and other symptoms. A cat with constantly wet "trousers", a cat struggling to pass urine or a cat only passing small amounts may have kidney disease, or a urinary tract infection or blockage. Take him to your vet right away; urinary tract infections, especially in males, are serious. Blockages can kill within two days. If a cat cries, passes blood, seems uncomfortable, or passes very concentrated urine--again often combined with more frequent attempts to pass water--there's also a problem needing a vet. A cat urinating frequently but without associated pain or straining may have thyroid issues or diabetes.
Tips for Healthy Urination Frequency
Male cats should be castrated when approaching sexual maturity. This prevents territorial "spraying." Many owners confuse this with too-frequent urination. Your cat needs plenty of fresh water which must be given daily in clean bowls. Water fountains encourage cats to increase water intake, as cats love running water. Exercise encourages good urination frequency and general good health. Fat, lazy cats often develop urinary tract issues.
Foods for Healthy, Frequent Urination
Cats must be able to empty their bladders fully. Encourage frequent urination by feeding a quality diet. This is especially important as cats get older and kidneys deteriorate. Cook fresh poultry-based wet foods. Simmer chicken in a pan of water, without additives. Give the cat the chicken broth mixed with his dried feed; he'll need to acclimate slowly. Use quality wet feeds too. Cats with diagnosed urinary tract problems need a special veterinary diet.
Veterinary Treatments
Ensure your cat gets lots of exercise. Cats whose frequent urination is diagnosed as having a physiological cause need treatment. Kidney disease is likely to be treated with a lifelong kidney-specialist diet, and possibly medication. Urinary tract infection may necessitate antibiotics and possibly catheterization at the vets to help the cat pass water. It's important he empties his bladder fully to prevent infection. Irritation of the bladder lining is treated by medication. Diagnosis of thyroid problems or diabetes usually means lifelong medication.
Frequency of Cat Urination
The frequency with which your cat urinates is a good indicator of his general health. If you notice a marked change in the frequency of urination of your cat, take him to your veterinarian for a check-over without delay, in case it is indicative of a serious underlying health problem.