How Does an Inside Cat Catch Fleas?

It seems unlikely that an indoor cat would fall victim to a flea infestation, but it can and does happen for a few different reasons. Many of them are beyond your control and can happen without you knowing, which is why regular flea prevention should be part of your routine, even for indoor cats.
  1. Bringing Them Home

    • Indoor cats sometimes have a flea problem simply because they had the fleas when you purchased or adopted them, and they took them home. Sometimes a flea infestation can go undetected by pet store clerks, breeders or animal shelter employees, particularly early on in the infestation. Often, they will at least bathe the cat in an anti-flea solution, but they still may have unknowingly sent you home with an infested cat.

    Windows and Doors

    • Fleas and flea larvae can enter your home through open windows and doors. Cats often like to sit or sleep in these locations, putting them at even more risk. Keep these areas clean and dry to prevent infestation.

    Clothing and Shoes

    • Fleas might also come into your home on your and your family's clothing and shoes. They can come from most anywhere, but if you've been in the woods or a rural setting, or if you have been to the home of other pet owners, the fleas may be on your clothing. You can ask your hosts if their animals have been treated, and you can also change your clothing when you arrive home. Launder the clothing as soon as you can.

    Sneaking Out

    • If your indoor cat has ever gone out the door or the window, even if they were only outdoors for a matter of minutes, they could still have fleas on them. If there are fleas in your yard, which there most likely are, it does not take long for them to find the animal. Also, even if only one or two get on the cat, once inside your home they can multiply.

    Other Pets

    • If you have other pets that do go outdoors, like a dog or a rabbit, that pet could be bringing fleas indoors. Even if the outdoor pet has been treated for fleas and is protected, the fleas may still hop on them and come into the house. Also, if you do treat the outdoor pet for fleas, and you lapse the treatment regimen for even a few days, it can cause an infestation for all pets.