How to Treat a Dust Allergy in a Cat

Just like humans, cats suffer from allergies, too. Types of feline allergies include flea, food, contact and airborne allergies. Cats can even suffer from the common airborne dust allergy. Dust allergies are a year-round problem that require consistent maintenance to keep them from getting out of hand. Feline dust allergies are uncomfortable and make your cat itch all over. However, with proper treatment and prevention measures, your cat's dust allergy symptoms are easily alleviated and controlled.

Things You'll Need

  • Air filters
  • Anti-allergy shampoo
  • Anti-itch medication
  • Allergy medication or shots
  • High-quality cat food
  • Fatty acid supplements
  • HEPA vacuum
  • Stainless steel or glass feeding dishes
  • Hypoallergenic detergent
  • Soap and Water
  • Dust-free cat litter
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      Replace your heating/cooling system air filters with HEPA air filters. Also, place air purifiers throughout your home to further remove dust and dust mites from the air in your home.

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      Regularly (at least once a week) bathe your cat using an anti-allergy shampoo such as Itch Stop Shampoo to reduce itching caused by dust allergies.

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      See your veterinarian about placing your cat on allergy medications. Your veterinarian can prescribe topical and oral antihistamines and steroids as well as allergy shots to relieve symptoms of dust allergies.

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      Feed your cat a diet of high quality cat food and administer fatty acid supplements to your cat, as doing so prevents dietary deficiencies that may further aggravate itchy skin conditions.

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      Vacuum your home with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter to remove dust and other allergens from your carpets and furniture.

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      Feed your cat in stainless steel or glass dishes and wash them daily to remove any allergy-causing particles from the feeding environment.

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      Wash your cat's bedding in hot water and hypoallergenic detergent to eliminate dust and dust mites.

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      Wash your cat's litter box weekly using soap and water, and use only natural, dust-free cat litters such as Swheat Scoop or Feline Pine.