How to Heal Partial Hair Loss on a Cat

When a cat experiences hair loss it is typically a sign that something is wrong. There are many reasons that a cat may experience hair loss. Some of the causes of hair loss in cats include allergies, bacterial infections, mange, a drug reaction, food allergies, hyperthyroidism and stress, just to name a few. It is important to find the reason behind the hair loss so that it may be treated properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea Comb
  • Veterinarian
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  1. Check Your Cat

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      Use a flea comb to check your cat for fleas or mites. Some cats can be hypersensitive to fleas, causing excessive itching which can result in hair loss. Your cat may also pull his hair out to get to the cause of the itch, according to If your cat has fleas he should be treated immediately, and preventative measures should be taken to keep the fleas from attacking again.

      Mites can cause the cat to scratch his ears excessively, which can result in hair loss around the ear area.

      You will need to remove the parasites from the animal and your home, according to

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      Take your animal to the veterinarian. If your cat is experiencing hair loss, he should be taken to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. A veterinarian exam and testing is the only way to find out the specific cause behind hair loss. There are many reasons a cat may lose his hair, and it is essential to find out the cause in order to treat the problem.

      Your veterinarian will need to do various diagnostic tests including blood tests and possibly a skin scraping.

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      Work with your veterinarian to decide the best treatment. Once you have been given a proper diagnosis of the cause for the hair loss in your cat, your vet will tell you your best treatment options. Treatment depends on the cause of hair loss, and may be as simple as changing your cat's diet.

      Other treatments include decreasing the exposure to the allergen, antibiotics, removal of specific medications, thyroid removal and decreased sun exposure.

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      Follow the advice of your veterinarian, whether it be to change your cat's diet or give medication as prescribed. It is important to follow your veterinarian's directions to cure your cat of the problem that is causing the hair loss.