Symptoms of a Miscarriage in a Cat

There are several causes for miscarriages in cats. Infections, hormonal imbalances, genetic disorders or parasites commonly lead to spontaneous loss of pregnancy. If you have a cat who is pregnant, be aware of the signs and symptoms of feline miscarriages to ensure the well-being of your cat and her kittens.
  1. Vaginal Discharge

    • Any type of vaginal discharge in a pregnant cat is abnormal and often times an indication that a miscarriage is occurring. The discharged fluids may appear yellow and puslike, clear and watery or thick, gray and mucouslike. If your pregnant cat is releasing a vaginal fluid other than urine, she may be experiencing a miscarriage, and you should seek veterinary assistance.

    Loss of Appetite and Fever

    • Pregnant cats who experience an increased body temperature, or fever, may have already experienced a miscarriage. When feline fetal death occurs and the mother cat is unable to expel the fetus, the dead tissue dissolves within the mother's body, causing an infection and fever. A reduced appetite is a common side effect of an elevated temperature. If your pregnant cat has lost her appetite and feels warm to the touch, she may have experienced a miscarriage.

    Vaginal Bleeding

    • Pregnant cats who bleed from the vagina are often experiencing a mycotic abortion. Mycotic abortions are caused by a fungal infection. When a fungal infection is present, the uterus begins bleeding, and the blood is expelled through the vaginal cavity. When the uterus fills with blood, one or several fetuses are usually aborted. If your cat is experiencing vaginal bleeding during her pregnancy, get her emergency veterinary help, otherwise her unborn kittens might not survive.

    Fetal Expulsion

    • Owners of outdoor cats often are oblivious to the symptoms of miscarriage in their pregnant cats. It is not uncommon to find an expelled fetus in the home or yard area if your cat has experienced a miscarriage. Should you come upon a wet, perhaps bloody or mucous-covered wad of bodily tissue, it might be a stillborn fetus. Depending on the extent of pregnancy, the fetus may or may not be recognizable as a kitten. If you discover evidence of an aborted fetus, get immediate veterinary help for the mother cat.