Armour Thyroid Toxicity in Cats

It's important to keep medications and chemicals away from your pets. If they somehow ingest toxic substances, they can become very ill or even die, just like humans. Particularly harmful for cats is the thyroid medication Armour Thyroid. If your cat may have ingested some of this substance, watch the animal for signs of distress and contact your veterinarian.
  1. Armour Thyroid

    • Armour Thyroid is a brand name medication for people who suffer from an inactive thyroid. It is a replacement for the natural thyroid hormone in the boy. The hormone is essential for normal bodily function and having too little can cause problems. That is why some people require a medication like Armour Thyroid.


    • This medication is meant only for humans and can be very toxic for pets, especially cats. Cats are more likely to have an overactive thyroid, and that is why it's easier for them to experience an overdose. If a cat accidentally ingests Armour Thyroid and basically any other thyroid medication, it will experience some severe side effects.

    Side Effects

    • The side effects for a cat that has consumed thyroid medication include vomiting diarrhea, high blood pressure, change in activity level, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, muscle tremors, nervousness and aggression. If you suspect your cat got into the medication and if you notice some of these side effects, you should take action immediately.

    What to Do

    • Your reaction to the situation could depend on how much of the medication the animal ingests. First, call your veterinarian if you are able or call a local emergency vet clinic. If the animal only got a small amount, it should be all right even if you see the side effects, but still speak with a professional. A larger dose means more trouble, and you will want to get to an emergency vet clinic, especially if the cat is very old or very young. You also can call an ASPCA pet poison hotline at 888-426-4435.

    Cats With Thyroid Issues

    • Some cats have thyroid issues and will be prescribed thyroid medication by the veterinarian. As long as the cat takes the medication as prescribed and does not get too much or too little, things should be fine. But, if you notice some of the previously mentioned side effects, you may want to speak with your veterinarian about a lower dose or the possibility that the cat does not actually need the medicine.