Persian Cats and Lung Disease

For unknown reasons, Persian cats are known to suffer from diseases affecting the lungs, such as asthma. It is important for owners of Persian cats to know of and understand this condition.
  1. Understanding Asthma

    • Feline asthma---also known as feline bronchial disease, bronchitis, allergic bronchitis, allergic airway disease and allergic asthma---is similar to human asthma, according to The Mayo Clinic describes human asthma as an incurable condition that occurs when the bronchial tubes of the lungs become inflamed and constricted.


    • Symptoms of asthma in Persian cats include heavy breathing, whistling sound while breathing, cough, weight loss and loud breathing.


    • Why lung disease is more common among Persian cats than other breeds remains unknown, but a variety of circumstances---including allergens, stress and parasitic infestation---are known to cause asthma in felines in general.


    • Asthma and other lung diseases in Persian cats are diagnosed by veterinarians through a series of tests, such as physical examination, analysis of the lymphatic glands and imaging.


    • Unfortunately, there is no cure for asthma in Persian cats. Treatment consists of removing allergens from the animal's home environment and controlling the symptoms associated with asthma.