Home Remedies to Kill Fleas on Cats

Most cat owners need to deal with fleas at one time or another. The most fortunate pet owners get rid of the fleas while they are still on the cat rather than discovering the cat has fleas after also discovering they have spread to the rest of the house. Many cat owners use things like flea collars and special shampoos to get rid of fleas because of their effectiveness. Some pet owners, however, choose to raise their cats with a holistic approach, have no budget for buying expensive pet shampoos or have kittens that cannot withstand the harsh chemicals. Fortunately, several home remedies are just as effective as commercial products. You should also vacuum your home thoroughly with flea powder and spray furniture with vinegar and water to kill any errant fleas or eggs.
  1. Herbal Shampoo

    • Using herbal shampoo on a cat is much like using an herbal shampoo on a human; the best way to do it is to mix the ingredients at home. Get a scentless, gentle bath gel meant for humans or children and add about five drops each of eucalyptus, citronella and lavender oil. All of these oils smell nice, are very cleansing and will kill fleas and eggs present on the cat. Shaking the bottle and stirring with a wooden chopstick will help mix the oils.
      Before wetting the cat, rub a thick ring of the shampoo around the cat's neck until it foams. This prevents fleas from taking refuge on the cat's face; never wet a cat's ears or face. You can then wet the cat and scrub him or her thoroughly, rinsing and combing afterwards.

    Kitten Shampoo

    • Kittens are very sensitive and can't stand up to the chemicals in flea baths meant for adult cats. The solution is to use a shampoo meant for little ones: baby shampoo. A scentless, gentle variety will work best. Gently work some shampoo in a foam around the kitten's neck before wetting him or her to prevent fleas fleeing to the kitten's face. Rub the kitten down thoroughly with shampoo, rinse him in warm water and then gently comb with a flea comb. The shampoo traps the fleas so that they drown, but may not kill them all. A flea comb allows you to remove remaining fleas and eggs and flush them down the toilet.

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    • While you should never use hydrogen peroxide on kittens under about a year old, it is said to be very effective in killing fleas. Mix a solution of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide and mix a little unscented baby shampoo into the mix to make it foam. Working this through a cat's fur will kill fleas; they should drop into the bottom of the tub. Be especially careful to keep this mixture away from your cat's nose and eyes, rinse her very thoroughly and comb the cat when finished. Though effective, the hydrogen peroxide may lighten the cat's fur for several weeks.