How to Put Advantage Flea on Cats

Cats are fairly hardy creatures, although they are still plagued by pests, such as fleas and ticks. Flea infestations are prevalent in most temperate climates of the world, with fleas becoming active as the weather warms up and reaching a peak during the summer months. Fleas can cause a number of illnesses, including anemia and tapeworms. Advantage is a topical application used to control fleas in cats, and using it is simple and effective.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Advantage flea medication
  • Newspaper
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      Slip on a pair of rubber gloves before handling your cat. Advantage is a chemical application and can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Pick up your cat and place him on a stable work surface, such as a table or counter, to prevent him from wandering as you prepare the medicine.

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      Remove one tube of Advantage from the pack and hold it in one hand, twisting the cap to open it. Make sure to hold the tube upright to keep from spilling any of the medicine before you apply it.

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      Hold your cat gently in one hand, parting the hair along the neck and down the back. Separating the hair gives you a clear path for the Advantage medication and will allow it to filter down along the hair and coat the cat in an even layer.

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      Place the tube tip-down at the base of the skull and squeeze an even bead of medication down along the spine to the tail. Fleas live on the skin under your cat's coat, so make sure you press the tube down against the skin so that the Advantage makes direct contact with areas where fleas may be hiding.

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      Release your cat and wrap your used gloves and the empty tube in two or three layers of newspaper before discarding it in the trash. Wrapping the empty tube in newspaper will help keep other animals from chewing on the tube and possibly becoming ill if they should accidentally get hold of it.