Prednisone Tablets for Asthma in Cats

If your cat coughs and wheezes often, don't assume the problem is just a hairball. Asthma in cats causes similar symptoms and is often misdiagnosed, says veterinarian Susan Little of the Winn Feline Foundation. Pollen, dust from cat litter, cigarette smoke, hair spray, cleaning products, scented air fresheners and carpet deodorizers can all trigger asthma in cats. Severe attacks that lead to panting and open-mouth breathing can be life threatening, says Little. Prednisone is one of the medications used to treat asthma in cats.
  1. Corticosteroid

    • Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid with strong anti-inflammatory properties. In asthmatic cats, it helps remove the inflammatory cells that surround the airways, states veterinarian Arnold Plotnick on his website,

    Prednisone Tablets

    • Prednisone tablets should be given with food to avoid stomach irritation. Furthermore, since a pill can linger in the cat's esophagus and cause painful ulcers or irritation, veterinarian Lisa A. Pierson at suggests following the pill with a chaser of water or a bite of wet food.

      Some cats will take prednisone tablets dissolved in the liquid from a can of tuna. Other ways to disguise the tablets include wrapping them in cheese, hiding them in a couple of bites of meat baby food or smelly cat food or tucking them into soft moist treats. Most pet supply stores sell soft moist treats with "pockets" designed to hide a cat's pills.

    Alternatives to Tablets

    • For cats who are difficult to pill, a compounding pharmacy can make prednisone into a flavored liquid, soft moist treats or gel to rub inside an ear tip.

    Side Effects

    • The most common side effects of prednisone tablets in cats include increased hunger and thirst, lack of energy, stomach upset and recurrence of a latent infection, says veterinarian Wendy C. Brooks, educational director at Since it contains glucose in its molecules, prednisone can raise a cat's blood sugar levels, leading to diabetes.

      Among the long-term side effects of prednisone tablets in cats are obesity, muscle weakness and increased susceptibility to infections, according to Brooks.


    • Long-term or inappropriate use of prednisone tablets can lead to "life threatening hormonal or metabolic changes," writes Forney for She and other veterinarians suggest giving prednisone tablets to cats just every other day. Cats on long-term treatment with prednisone tablets should be monitored closely by a veterinarian. And when the cat no longer needs the medication, Forney advises to discontinue slowly by gradually decreasing the dose and increasing the time between doses.