How to Diagnose a Sick Cat

When observing a sick cat, it's important to determine if any changes have occurred in his normal habits and routines. Noting changes in regular activities can help you figure out if you need to take your cat to the vet and can help your vet make a prompt and accurate diagnosis.

Things You'll Need

  • Fecal sample
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      Observe how your cat moves. Is your cat having trouble jumping or walking? Does she appear to have a limp or to move a limb in a strange way? These could be signs of muscle or joint problems or even neurological issues. Has your cat suddenly become lethargic or manically active? A sharp increase or a marked decrease in activity could signify medical trouble.

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      Observe how your cat eats. Has your cat suddenly lost his appetite, or has he recently become a glutton? Either change could signal a range of feline health problems, including gastrointestinal diseases and hyperthyroidism.

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      Examine your cat's eyes. Are they watery, cloudy, runny? Does your cat seem to have problems seeing or focusing her eyes? Eye problems are common in cats, but changes in the functionality and appearance of the eyes can signal internal issues. Many people are not aware that cats can suffer from allergies, like people do. If your cat's eyes are frequently runny, consider taking her to the vet for an allergy check.

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      Examine your cat's litter box and note his urination habits and bowel movements. Is there blood or mucus in the feces or urine? Is the feces runnier than usual? Does your cat seem to have trouble urinating or defecating or to be in pain when he uses the litter box? A urinary tract or bowel infection could be causing these changes in litter box habits.

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      Look carefully at your cat's skin, fur and body. Is her coat as glossy as it normally is? Has your cat gained or lost a noticeable amount of weight or fur? Are there any lumps or bumps under the skin? These changes can be signs of a medical problem, especially if they occur suddenly.