How Can I Tell If My Kitten Is Pregnant?

Though it seems unbelievable, a kitten as young as four months can become pregnant. This is the age at which many kittens start going into heat and if you haven't had her spayed and she has been in contact with a male cat, there is a chance for her to become pregnant. Look for signs of a kitten pregnancy to help you determine how to take care of her.


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      Look at her nipples. One of the first signs of a kitten pregnancy is prominent nipples. They will appear a brighter pink than usual and will be sticking out more.

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      Track her eating habits. A pregnant kitten is eating for three or more, so you can expect an increase of appetite. If she's suddenly begging for food all the time, there's a chance that she's pregnant, but this could also be because she is going through a growth spurt of her own.

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      Feel her stomach. After she is four weeks pregnant, you will start to notice that her stomach is getting bigger and seems harder. If you feel it, you may be able to feel hard lumps, which are the kittens she's carrying inside of her.

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      Take her to a veterinarian. The only sure-fire way to determine if your kitten is pregnant is to take her to the vet. The vet will not only be able to tell you that she's pregnant, but will be able to estimate the size of her litter.