Urinary Crystals in Cats

Crystals in the urinary system of cats are associated with FLUTD, feline urinary tract disease. FLUTD is more common in males than females. This can be an expensive, painful and long-term disease to treat, but there are options.
  1. Identification

    • The cat strains to urinate or may not be able to pass water at all. It uses the litter box frequently, but lack of output is apparent from the presence of tiny litter clumps or no clumps at all. When the condition is left unattended for too long, a cat's kidneys will become damaged. There is a risk of bladder rupture, and the cat will vomit and become too weak to stand.


    • The most common type of crystals formed in cats is struvite crystals, made from magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. Less common are calcium oxalate crystals. Struvite crystals are alkaline; calcium oxalate are acidic.


    • Proper diagnosis must be done by a veterinarian. Blood work and urine analysis can determine what kind of crystals the cat suffers from. Other methods of diagnosis may include ultrasounds and biopsies.


    • A catheter is inserted to unblock the urinary tract, and fluids are given. The disease can often be controlled by prescription food, either alkaline or acidic dependent on crystal type. The second option is surgery (perineal urethrostomy): the cat's penis is partially amputated to create a wider opening.


    • Clean water, a clean litter box and prevention of obesity in a cat are all ways to help prevent FLUTD. The cat should also have a twice-yearly checkup.