How to Nurse a Cat for Sneezing

Some cats may develop a sneezing problem due to a feline cold or allergies. If the problem is severe enough, you'll have to take your cat to the veterinarian but it is sometimes possible to nurse a sneezing cat with simple home remedies.

Things You'll Need

  • Strong-smelling cat food
  • Fatty acid supplements
  • Saline nose drops
  • Cotton balls
  • Vaporizer
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      Remove possible allergens from your cat's environment, such as chemicals, food, smoke, pollen or even the kind of litter used.

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      Feed your cat a strong-smelling food. A cat's sense of smell is part of what triggers its appetite and when a cat is congested, its sense of smell is greatly inhibited and it may not want to eat.

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      Add fatty acid supplements to your cat's food. These will help boost the animal's immune system and make it more capable of dealing with any allergies.

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      Administer saline nose drops--one drop in a single nostril each day. Switch nostrils every day and only continue the treatment for five days at the most.

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      If your cat is suffering from runny eyes, swab them with cotton balls.

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      Set up a vaporizer in the room where you keep your cat.

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      If other symptoms are present, or if the situation doesn't improve, you should contact a veterinarian and make an appointment. Home remedies can only help with minor issues and sometimes sneezing can be a sign of a more severe underlying sickness.